Dental Implants Procedure in Anderson SC

In the past half a century, major advances have been made in tooth replacement. This is mainly due to the discovery by dentists that the tooth roots play an important role in maintaining oral health. Therefore, the focus currently is to keep natural teeth intact for as long as possible. If they need to be extracted due to severe decay or the risk of causing damage to adjacent teeth, they are removed, but replacement is necessary. Furthermore, the way teeth are replaced has also come under heavy consideration due to the benefits provided by tooth roots. While earlier, the focus in replacement was to maintain the natural look, nowadays dentists in Anderson, SC are more concerned about the structure of the replacement as well as how they look.

Dental Implants

How does the design of dental implants help their cause?

The implant is made of titanium, and it is cylindrical in shape. It is meant to mimic both the design and the function of the natural tooth roots. How the implant serves this purpose is best outlined as follows:

  1. Implants act just like natural tooth roots, stabilizing the crown, and allowing it to withstand the physical stresses of biting and chewing. Multiple implants work together to support a dental bridge or denture. 
  2. Implants amply support regeneration of bone. First it must be said that without enough bone density neither the teeth nor the cheek and lips can be adequately supported. Those with low bone density will end up with a sunken face look. However, an implant enables chewing and thereby stimulates the bone to regenerate itself. 

What can you expect after treatment?

Immediately after the procedure, you will be given a temporary restoration to wear. The implant takes months to fuse with the jawbone. Afterwards, the dental crown will be placed on top completing treatment.

To Learn More About Dental Implants Procedure, Please Visit: Aesthetic Dentistry

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